
November 30, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast November 30, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast November 30, 2019

Interesting findings on creatine supplementation and depression. Creatine supplementation isn’t necessary for people that eat lots of red meat, but it can be helpful if you avoid red meat for whatever reason.

This study on levels of choline and fat loss might explain one of the reasons why the Vince Gironda steak and eggs diet prescription works so well.

Good read on how hiking in nature helps us mentally, not that we need that explained too much. Hiking in nature with a good dog is the best.

Here’s an article and a video from about 8 years back on the December Turkish Getup Challenge. For some reason they put a typo in the title when they published it…Still drives me nuts!

Video of The Week: More on sleep from the sleep doc.

November 14, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast November 14, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast November 14, 2019


I do a class on inflammatory foods and inflammation now and then, but this article is one of the best I’ve ever read on inflammation as it relates to diet and exercise.


Before you decided to dive into buckets of sugary junk this Thanksgiving, you might take a look at what was likely on the table at the first Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving lobster and oysters, anyone?


This study on L-carnitine might show one of the reasons people see so much success on a pure carnivore diet: They are eating a bunch of red meat, and generally going long stretches without eating. Red meat is rich in L-carnitine.

(Think, Vince Gironda steak and eggs diet: Two meals per day, eight hours apart with nothing but steak and eggs in mass quantities.)


More on our trapbar deadlifts. Kettlebell suitcase deadlifts work the same way.


This would seem to apply to women, as well. Muscle and strength is your friend if you plan to age well.


Video of the Week:

Pavel Tstatsouline is quite a character, but his info on stretching and just about anything to do with strength and conditioning is great. Showing off the hairy chest must be a Russian thing.

October 10, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast: October 10, 2019

Think angry thoughts when swinging kettlebells!

Think angry thoughts when swinging kettlebells!

IKSC Weekly Link Blast: October 10, 2019

The next lifestyle/nutrition class will be November 4th at 7p.m. I’ll be doing this class and it will focus on preventing holiday weight gain. I’ve done this one in the past and it’s always been one of the most productive ones.

I am always reserved about animal studies, but we all know garlic is good for lots of things anyway.

This is an interesting new study that came out about military personnel stationed at different latitudes, their vitamin D levels, and depression. We don’t get enough natural sunlight in Idaho to absorb it naturally. I take 5,000iu all the time, and 10,000iu in the colder months.

I haven’t tried this exact deadlift program. I’ve done similar ones and they’ve worked. It looks to be a very doable program without much that can go wrong as long as you are patient with it and don’t overestimate your starting points.

Advocrap…Those of you that know me know how much I hate MLM sales crap. These guys were one of the worst. Some of you know the hilarious backstory about my history with a local Advocare recruiter.

Related to that last article, here’s my guide for avoiding those kinds of scams:

Video of The Week:

October 3, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast: October 3, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast: October 3, 2019

Couple dudes throwing down some getups.

Couple Texas hombres throwing down some getups.


Some of you have heard bits and pieces of this story from me over the years. Looks like Robb Wolf posted a good synopsis of the way our food system and nutritional guidelines got so incredibly screwed up.


Eggs and meat are good for brain health.


You hear me discredit “cardio” in the traditional sense a lot. Mostly because what qualifies as such in the general fitness world is not low-level enough to really be good at training an aerobic base, and not truly lung-burning hard enough to benefit the upper end.

What usually qualifies as cardio in mainstream fitness realm is what is known in the sports strength and conditioning world as “the junk zone.” This is what you see in popular chain fitness franchises like F45, Orange Theory, or one of the various cycling classes. This is the zone that the perceived effort is medium-hard, makes you breath pretty hard, and sweat a bunch. This is where the uninformed usually say they’re “getting in a good workout,” but really all they’re accomplishing is burning some sugar, stimulating stress hormone, and training weak movement patterns.

In short, cardio should either be as strong and fast as you can do it for less than a minute, or easy enough you could do it all day if you had to. But, the reality is that it is important, even if you hate it.


Nothing good comes from high blood sugar and poor insulin-sensitivity. This is why literally every piece of nutrition advice I give is designed to enhance insulin-sensitivity. If you are insulin-resistant, every aspect of your performance is compromised.

“Insulin clearance is associated with physical fitness and metabolic health. Aging is associated with reduced metabolic clearance of insulin and hyperinsulinemia, reduced glucose effectiveness, and an increase in metabolic diseases…”


Meat is good for you. Eat it. Many of the studies that have suggested otherwise do not actually stand up to any kind of scrutiny. It has been a mantra for years, but when you really break it down, evidence to support health hazards associated with eating meat is so weak as to not even be taken seriously…and the methods used to gather that evidence are suspect at best.


Video of The Week:



April 2, 2014

“Testosterone therapy”

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“Testosterone therapy”

Do deadlifts and squats instead of bicep curls and ab crunches.

Do hill sprints instead of time on an elliptical.

Eat meat, fish, veggies, and nuts instead of anything containing soy, wheat, and corn.

Drink red wine instead of beer.

Get lots of natural fats, instead of ever touching something designed to be low-fat.

Get 8 hours of good sleep per night. Turn the video games OFF!

Train outdoors as much as possible, rather than inside a cushy gym.

Take vitamin D, magnesium and zinc.

You can also look for the best testosterone booster it can be used as part of hormone replacement therapy to treat men with hypogonadism (low testosterone). Men who are prescribed testosterone therapy can benefit from taking a daily testosterone booster, as these products can help boost testosterone levels and maintain healthy hormone balance.


July 30, 2012

Five Guaranteed Ways to Sabotage Your Strength and Fitness Goals…

Five Guaranteed Ways to Sabotage Your Strength and Fitness Goals…

1. Unrealistic Goals:

If your goal is to look like a model on the cover of a fitness magazine, but you are only willing to exercise 2-3 times per week, you have an unrealistic goal. Perfect physiques take years of work and lives that revolve around training. Unless you are willing to make training and nutrient timing a 24/7 job, you will not attain that physique. Get that image out of your head unless you are willing to make that type of commitment for several years to come.

2. Missed Training:

This should be obvious, but allowing yourself to miss training times is unacceptable if you plan to progress. To make progress beyond a bare beginner level, expect to spend a minimum of 5 days per week training.

3. Fail to Maintain Strict Nutritional Guidelines:

Consuming junk – in any amount – such as: pop, cookies, candy, bread, chips, beer, cereals, anything that comes from a drive-thru window, sugary coffee drinks, etc..

One planned cheat meal per week is fine, but beyond that don’t expect results. “Just a handful” of this and that does nothing but preserve a nice layer of fat.

4. Fail to Make Yourself Accountable:

Keep a detailed training and nutrition log. If it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen. Unless you are logging nutrition, you really don’t know what you are taking in.

5. Focus on new movements/routines, rather than on weight, reps and rest intervals:

Sometimes the answer is simple: It is hard to understand this when so much marketing is done to make it seem as though every training method is the best thing out there.

Want to build muscle and to burn fat? Move more weight. Rest less.

Do not get sidetracked by 100 different exercises and new fitness gadgets that claim to work wonders.

Focus on moving a prescribed weight in a mechanically sound manner for prescribed rest/work intervals.

June 29, 2012

July Fitness/Nutrition Challenge

July Fitness/Nutrition Challenge.

Do not overthink this!
Eat ONLY meat, fish, eggs, raw nuts, and fresh produce.
Drink ONLY water.
(Reasonable amounts of condiments, like real butter, real sour cream, coconut oil, olive oil, vinegar, etc are allowed).

Supplements are OK, as long as they are not a primary source of nutrition or consumed as meal replacements.

ONE cheat meal per week is allowed. Plan it and enjoy whatever you want.

Bodyweight Exercise Minimum Quota:
200 pullups per week
300 pushups
1,000 squats
-Break this up over as many days, into as many sets as needed. Do this as part of, or in addition to, your normal training. Don’t overthink this! Just start doing reps. Feel free to do more.

ANY needed or reasonable modification of these exercises is permitted.

Omission of any of these is OK for bonafide medical reasons (not just because you are sore or too busy. Suck it up).

Get creative and get moving.

Please…I don’t want to hear a single excuse from anyone.

Either do it or choose not to. I only want to hear what you CAN do, not how hard this is, or hear reasons why you can’t do any part of it.

-Jim Beaumont

March 28, 2011

Canyon County Weight Loss Challenge…The hard way!

Canyon County Weight Loss Challenge…The hard way!

Javier Lopez took a day off of lifting kettlebells, to do 400lb tire flips, tire box jumps, followed by some 40yd sprints. Javi has lost over 25lbs in the past 6 weeks…the hard way. He is participating in the 2011 Canyon County Weight Loss Challenge. No matter the pounds lost, he will be the strongest at the end. He also check the nutrisystem reviews, Nutrisystem is a popular weight loss meal-delivery service that offers pre-packaged, lower-calorie meals and snacks for a variety of different dietary needs.

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