
October 31, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast October 31, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast October 31, 2019


Don’t forget about the class Monday the 4th at 7p.m. Don’t let the holiday season derail your strength and health goals.


Most of these points about hormone optimization apply just as much to women as men.


I’d say this was a good start, but the truth is ALL cereals are sugar bombs.


Here’s an article on gut health and the Auto Immune Protocol, which is a super strict paleo diet. Yes, it works. I’ve heard similar stories from people over the years, even before we had any idea what might be going on ( and we still know very little about the gut biome).


Videos Of The Week:

October 24, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast: October 24, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast: October 24, 2019

Some interesting stuff about salt loading here and your higher need for protein if lowering the carbs.

Every one of us can get caught in one or more of these patterns.

This article is a good springboard for many topics surrounding various governments’ control of food supply.

Don’t forget about our class on Monday the 4th. It is designed to help the gains keep going during the winter months. Here’s a link that non-members can use to sign up.

Video of The Week:

October 21, 2019

Special Class: Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

Special Class: Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

Tuesday November 12th at 7:15 p.m.


The weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day can be a nutritional and emotional disaster. It doesn’t have to be this way.
This class will focus on keeping weight gain in-check by looking at all the factors that cause unwanted flab to accumulate during this time of year.

You will leave with tools to help you make the best food and health choices during this holiday season.

No cost to IKSC members.
$15 drop-in fee for non-members.

Non-members can sign up here:

October 17, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast: October 17, 2019

Yep, it's fall.

Yep, it’s fall.

IKSC Weekly Link Blast: October 17, 2019

Mark your calendars! The next nutrition class is Monday November 4th at 7p.m. This will cover strategies to avoid holiday weight gain. It has to do with more than what you eat.


Good reminder on these nutrition facts. Not much you haven’t heard from me before.


One again, exercise itself is not going to be the major deciding factor in body composition.


I don’t have much luck kicking my mangy mutts off the bed anyway, so I’m all about the confirmation bias here:


This is exactly what we use at IKSC to do large amounts of quality movements. He explains it a little differently than I would, but the point is that you pace sets and reps so you get quality work done. It is about building work capacity. He calls it “old-man strength.” I call it farm kid strong.


L-theanine: I’ve actually been using a ZMA product from Vitamin Shoppe that contains it for quite a while now. I do think it helps with sleep above just the ZMA itself.


Video of The Week: You hear lots of anti-meat propaganda these days. Understand that most of the new push is coinciding with large processed food companies pushing fake meat. Follow the money. It takes a little knowledge of physiology, a little knowledge of ecosystems, and a grown-up look at things like greenhouse gases to understand the whole picture. Diana Rodgers does an amazing job of explaining this.






October 10, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast: October 10, 2019

Think angry thoughts when swinging kettlebells!

Think angry thoughts when swinging kettlebells!

IKSC Weekly Link Blast: October 10, 2019

The next lifestyle/nutrition class will be November 4th at 7p.m. I’ll be doing this class and it will focus on preventing holiday weight gain. I’ve done this one in the past and it’s always been one of the most productive ones.

I am always reserved about animal studies, but we all know garlic is good for lots of things anyway.

This is an interesting new study that came out about military personnel stationed at different latitudes, their vitamin D levels, and depression. We don’t get enough natural sunlight in Idaho to absorb it naturally. I take 5,000iu all the time, and 10,000iu in the colder months.

I haven’t tried this exact deadlift program. I’ve done similar ones and they’ve worked. It looks to be a very doable program without much that can go wrong as long as you are patient with it and don’t overestimate your starting points.

Advocrap…Those of you that know me know how much I hate MLM sales crap. These guys were one of the worst. Some of you know the hilarious backstory about my history with a local Advocare recruiter.

Related to that last article, here’s my guide for avoiding those kinds of scams:

Video of The Week:

October 3, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast: October 3, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast: October 3, 2019

Couple dudes throwing down some getups.

Couple Texas hombres throwing down some getups.


Some of you have heard bits and pieces of this story from me over the years. Looks like Robb Wolf posted a good synopsis of the way our food system and nutritional guidelines got so incredibly screwed up.


Eggs and meat are good for brain health.


You hear me discredit “cardio” in the traditional sense a lot. Mostly because what qualifies as such in the general fitness world is not low-level enough to really be good at training an aerobic base, and not truly lung-burning hard enough to benefit the upper end.

What usually qualifies as cardio in mainstream fitness realm is what is known in the sports strength and conditioning world as “the junk zone.” This is what you see in popular chain fitness franchises like F45, Orange Theory, or one of the various cycling classes. This is the zone that the perceived effort is medium-hard, makes you breath pretty hard, and sweat a bunch. This is where the uninformed usually say they’re “getting in a good workout,” but really all they’re accomplishing is burning some sugar, stimulating stress hormone, and training weak movement patterns.

In short, cardio should either be as strong and fast as you can do it for less than a minute, or easy enough you could do it all day if you had to. But, the reality is that it is important, even if you hate it.


Nothing good comes from high blood sugar and poor insulin-sensitivity. This is why literally every piece of nutrition advice I give is designed to enhance insulin-sensitivity. If you are insulin-resistant, every aspect of your performance is compromised.

“Insulin clearance is associated with physical fitness and metabolic health. Aging is associated with reduced metabolic clearance of insulin and hyperinsulinemia, reduced glucose effectiveness, and an increase in metabolic diseases…”


Meat is good for you. Eat it. Many of the studies that have suggested otherwise do not actually stand up to any kind of scrutiny. It has been a mantra for years, but when you really break it down, evidence to support health hazards associated with eating meat is so weak as to not even be taken seriously…and the methods used to gather that evidence are suspect at best.


Video of The Week:



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