
March 28, 2011

Canyon County Weight Loss Challenge…The hard way!

Canyon County Weight Loss Challenge…The hard way!

Javier Lopez took a day off of lifting kettlebells, to do 400lb tire flips, tire box jumps, followed by some 40yd sprints. Javi has lost over 25lbs in the past 6 weeks…the hard way. He is participating in the 2011 Canyon County Weight Loss Challenge. No matter the pounds lost, he will be the strongest at the end. He also check the nutrisystem reviews, Nutrisystem is a popular weight loss meal-delivery service that offers pre-packaged, lower-calorie meals and snacks for a variety of different dietary needs.

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March 3, 2011

The Kettlebell Flu

Filed under: kettlebell fat loss,Uncategorized — Tags: — @ 7:14 am

Random thoughts: The Kettlebell Flu

Monday I had two cases of “kettlebell flu” at my gym in two young, healthy men. Against my better judgement, I allowed two guys to “drop in” to my group classes.

The Kettlebell Flu is what happens when you experience the massive lactic acid dump and cardiovascular demand from a full-body kettlebell/bodyweight workout. Luckily, they both made it to the bathroom before puking.

These cases are exactly the reason I require people to work with me individually before taking part in group training. Kettlebell training is something you need to ease into. I don’t want anyone to throw up, especially on their first visit to my facility.

Less is more when starting with a kettlebell. You are placing a load on your body unlike anything you experience in bodybuilding or other types of “cardio” sessions on a treadmill or other machine.

Hopefully, both of these hard-chargers will be back soon. They will both make lots of progress fast.

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