IKSC Weekly Link Blast June 27, 2019
Video of the week:
Dr. Stephen Phinney and Dr. Jeff Volek are basically the modern leaders in the low-carb diet field, or “keto” as it has become known as. I’ve been reading their work and following them for several years now. Here is a good primer on nutritional ketosis.
I’ve eaten what would be considered a very low carb diet for several years now. I haven’t had a weight loss goal at all during that time. I’ve stayed pretty much the same weight and body composition, and anything physically I set out to do I can usually accomplish. I do know that if I add back more than about 50grams of carbs per day, the body composition starts to suffer.
Think of our July Challenge nutrition guidelines as the “anti-processed food” diet. Good reasons to adopt that strategy full-time:
As it says on my business cards, form follows function. Train for performance and the aesthetics will follow.
We were talking about this just the other day. The benefit of concentric training is that you can do a bunch of it and recover fast.
If you really want to go with no processed food, here is an option. The only downside I’ve found is it is sometimes hard to get in enough calories. I am carnivore about 5 days of the week, with a few meals of some starches, fermented foods, and limited vegetables. Been that way for about the past year.
Loaded carries. Can’t get enough.
Bonus video. Short, and a few years old, but still dead-on. The idea that dietary fat and cholesterol is a problem within itself is a lie:
Photos this week: The people who carved these drawings didn’t eat processed food. They are near a site likely used to harvest wild game by some primitive people, an estimated 5,000-6,000 years ago: