
June 26, 2020

IKSC Weekly Links: June 26, 2020

IKSC Weekly Links: June 26, 2020

Does cardio make you fat? No form of exercise is going to cause fat gain, but certain training methods will do almost nothing to burn it. Building lean body mass is the way to change the way your body burns fuel. You can’t do that in a constantly stressed state, which “chronic cardio” does to your body and nervous system.
Does Cardio Make You Fat?

I make frequent reference to Native American diets when talking nutrition. This is a great breakdown of what some of the plains tribes ate.
Native American Diet

I know this might seem like a broken record, but here’s an interesting article on vitamin D.
Great Vitamin D Article

You all know that I’ve been “intermittent fasting” since before that word existed. For the past several years I’ve drifted into that pattern of 16:8 (described in the article). Saturdays and Sundays, I find I mostly stick to one big meal per day and maybe a light snack at some point.
I don’t recommend you force yourself into one of these eating patterns unless it feels right to you. You have to kind of customize it. There is no prize for fasting the most, or going the most hours. Also, getting to the place where you burn fat instead of sugar for fuel is almost mandatory here. One thing that surely doesn’t work for people is grazing every few hours per day like a cow.
Ways to IF

Videos of the Week (There are several, here are the first 4): This fit right into our July Fitness and Nutrition Challenge

June 15, 2020

IKSC Weekly Links: June 15, 2020

Video of The Week: This is from Prof. Stu McGill, kind of the back guru. There are a few videos in this series, so be sure and check the rest out.

I passed the exam a few months back, but these guys just sent me a paper certificate a few days ago…maybe I should get around to hanging some certs up.

Sorry I missed last week. I just couldn’t find enough interesting stuff. I didn’t want to bore everyone. These are all basic things this week, but it doesn’t hurt to revisit the basics. I am excited for this year’s July Challenge. It is always a good way to stay accountable. It is always a good training month for me.
July Fitness and Nutrition Challenge

Not sure we needed another study to demonstrate this, but what it demonstrates is that eating a bunch of carbs makes your blood rise and then crash. People think they are eating them for energy, but what it does in reality is give a little energy followed by a crash. This is one of the best reasons not to start your day with a blast of carbs in the form of cereal or pancakes.
Keeping Blood Sugar Stable

Interval strength training “on-the-clock” as I always call it, is important for managing blood sugar and insulin sensitivity.
Insulin Sensitivity

I have to agree with this article’s analysis of the most damaging forms of training. My goal is to build resistance to injury through training. The myofascial release techniques he shows are standard and nothing new. You can probably just feel your way into most of them. But, it is important to realize that those things are not going to fix movement dysfunction. Being able to perform basic hinging, pushing, squatting, and gaiting patterns are important to avoid having to do that kind of quick-fix stuff.
Damaging Exercise

Interesting article on sleep and medical students’ grades.
Sleep and Grades

Might be off-topic, but I know many of you that might read this are also into shooting and guns to an extent. You know that I am kind of a training junky, so here is a good article on selecting a gun for a pistol course. I’ve been though a bunch of them taught by some of the best in the world over the years. I’d also have to add that it is good for confidence levels to be able to know you can safely handle that firearm if you need to (for most of us, that is going to mean carrying it in the outdoors or at home for defense). Don’t compromise your safety with a gun that isn’t reliable enough to complete a course like this and you can’t perform your best with:
Handgun Choice for Course

June 1, 2020

IKSC Weekly Links: May 31, 2020

IKSC is always changing and learning. Throughout the years, we have been one of the first in the area to adopt effective training methodologies that take a while to filter into other area facilities. We usually go straight to the source of a big system to bring information back to the gym. Original Strength is no different. I’m not the first to attend one of their workshops, but I’m the first certified coach in their system in Idaho.
Original Strength Directory

These resting positions give a lot of time for the little effort they take to implement. Try each for about 30 seconds at a time. Just getting up and down off the floor just makes you feel better.
Ancestral Resting Positions

Podcast to listen to this week from Original Strength on the importance of pelvic floor muscles. They are important for strength in lots of areas. Kettlebell swings and crawling are two of the best exercises you can do to build a strong pelvic floor. Part of the reason for that are the emphasis on breath control.
It is work worth a listen. Towards the very end, they talk about their common religious beliefs, which is a topic I avoid discussing or bringing up in the gym, but they both feel strongly about it and I respect that.
Power of Pelvic Floor

It is good to see the trap bar getting a workout in the gym again. I agree with the author on many points in this article on their benefits.
Trap Bar Deadlifts

Inflammation robs your gains and makes your body store bodyfat. It affects every cellular process in our body.Inflammation

Video of The Week: If your feet and ankles are stiff, everything else up the chain is weakened and all movement is compromised.

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