
November 30, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast November 30, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast November 30, 2019

Interesting findings on creatine supplementation and depression. Creatine supplementation isn’t necessary for people that eat lots of red meat, but it can be helpful if you avoid red meat for whatever reason.

This study on levels of choline and fat loss might explain one of the reasons why the Vince Gironda steak and eggs diet prescription works so well.

Good read on how hiking in nature helps us mentally, not that we need that explained too much. Hiking in nature with a good dog is the best.

Here’s an article and a video from about 8 years back on the December Turkish Getup Challenge. For some reason they put a typo in the title when they published it…Still drives me nuts!

Video of The Week: More on sleep from the sleep doc.

November 21, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast November 21, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast November 21, 2019

Eat like a predator, not prey. In this case, eat like the conqueror, not the conquered.

Lats are one of your most important core stabilization muscles. We don’t usually think of them that way, but they are.

Good write up on nutrition documentaries in general here.

Another good one from T-Nation. I remember when this article first came out, I’d just learned these crawls at a Steve Maxwell workshop and a few days later this showed up. Perfect timing.

Most of the stuff in Men’s Health is junk, but this article cites two extremely reputable people, Dan John and Prof. Stuart McGill. Not surprisingly, one of our staples, the loaded carry is the topic.

Here’s an old post about trying to out-train the dinner table.

Video of The Week:
Should tie into what we talked about in our last nutrition class.

November 14, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast November 14, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast November 14, 2019


I do a class on inflammatory foods and inflammation now and then, but this article is one of the best I’ve ever read on inflammation as it relates to diet and exercise.


Before you decided to dive into buckets of sugary junk this Thanksgiving, you might take a look at what was likely on the table at the first Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving lobster and oysters, anyone?


This study on L-carnitine might show one of the reasons people see so much success on a pure carnivore diet: They are eating a bunch of red meat, and generally going long stretches without eating. Red meat is rich in L-carnitine.

(Think, Vince Gironda steak and eggs diet: Two meals per day, eight hours apart with nothing but steak and eggs in mass quantities.)


More on our trapbar deadlifts. Kettlebell suitcase deadlifts work the same way.


This would seem to apply to women, as well. Muscle and strength is your friend if you plan to age well.


Video of the Week:

Pavel Tstatsouline is quite a character, but his info on stretching and just about anything to do with strength and conditioning is great. Showing off the hairy chest must be a Russian thing.

November 7, 2019

IKSC Weekly Link Blast November 7th, 2019


IKSC Weekly Link Blast November 7th, 2019

Thanks to those that showed up for class Monday night. I will be repeating the same class on Tuesday the 12th, at 7:15p.m. for anyone that missed it. I really want to help people keep on track and that is much harder when the days get shorter and social pressure drags people away. Everyone likes to work hard in the gym, but elements of sleep and stress are every bit as important as exercise. That is what this class deals with.

Special Class: Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

Take some time for yourself. It’s important.

Hard work gives you better posture and always has according to these Egyptian artifacts. Strangely enough, they’ve also found that the grain-based diet of some of the Egyptian royalty caused heart disease, the same way it does for modern humans.

Here’s a good breakdown about The Game Changers movie out. No, I haven’t seen it. I get questions about it now and then. I could address specifics, if anyone has questions.

Please note, the exercises listed to build bone health are all full-body, compound movements with significant amounts of weight. I would also argue for exercises that emphasize dynamic joint stabilization (like burpees) are a good thing. I’d also suggest that loaded carries are probably the biggest bang for your buck of all.

Another good article dealing with sleep.

Video of the Week:
I’ve shared this before, but it is more important this time of year.

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