
April 2, 2014

Simplicy and Consistency

One of the biggest frustrations in the fitness world (from a trainer’s perspective) is the perception by many trainees that they need to do lots of “busy work” and sweat a lot every day in order to get things accomplished.

To accommodate this, many programs are catered to what the clients’ perceived need is, rather than what they actually need. This is usually done just to placate the client, not just because it is actually what is needed.

What is really needed is simple progression, consistency, and strict attention to nutrition.

Simple progression: You have to be progressively moving more weight, and challenging different energy systems.

Consistency: You pretty much have to train something almost every day. “3 days a week” is great for in-season athletes, or for someone trying to barely maintain where they are. To improve, plan on 5-6 days a week. Some days hard, some days easy, but never long breaks between training.

Strict Nutrition: That means logging and accounting for EVERY bite that goes in your mouth.

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