
February 18, 2017

Supplement and Nutrition Product Scam Test

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 2:23 pm

Supplement and Nutrition Product Scam Test:

1) Does the supplement company immediately discuss a “business opportunity?”

*If so, the supplement company makes more money off of the person signing up to sell the stuff than it does from profit margin of the actual physical product.

2) Do they ask for hundreds of dollars for their business starting kits or fees? Are there various “levels” of opportunity, based on how much you are willing to plunk down?

*They ask for hundreds of dollars for “starting kits” because this is how they make money…making money off of would-be sellers, not from the product itself.

3) Do you see their products sold in the standard retail marketplace? Or, are they only available after attending special meetings that discuss marketing opportunities?

*Their products are not available on the standard market because they can’t compete, unless they are sold where there are no competing products.

4) Are the majority of sales made to the general public? Or are the distributors and end-users one and the same?
*It is not a legitimate business. It is a pyramid scam.

Beware that Facebook is a huge open range for network marketing scams.

As my friend James Allen Stanton said:
“Network marketing: It still works, because people are still stupid.”

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