
August 11, 2020

IKSC Weekly Link Blast: August 11, 2020

IKSC Weekly Link Blast: August 11, 2020

This is a pretty cool article about one of the guys on that poster in the gym.
Arthur Saxon

Interesting list of supposedly worthless exercises. You won’t see these at the gym, but I never say never when it comes to an exercise or training tool. If you train enough people for long enough you find uses for things you never thought you’d use, or that you quit using and then find a use for it later.
5 Worthless Exercises

This is one of the best podcast episodes explaining the connection between back health and kettlebell training. Prof. Stuart McGill is one of the world’s foremost experts in back health. If you only listen to one podcast this month, this is the one:
Stuart McGill Kettlebell Podcast

Vitamin C intake and blood pressure.
Vitamin C and Blood Pressure

Video of The Week: Coach Dan John on loaded carries, one of the most respected voices in the strength and conditioning world.

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