
September 30, 2011

5,000 Snatches in 5 Weeks 2011.

5,000 Snatches in 5 Weeks.

So, it’s October again already, or it will be tomorrow.

For the past few years at this time, I have set myself to the task of completing 5,000 kettlebell snatches in 5 weeks. I think I’d read some internet forum or blog post about someone doing this back in 2008 or so, and I decided it would be a good thing for me to do. I have repeated that every year since.

Do not overthink this. Just do 1,000 snatches each week as part of your normal workouts, or extra if you want. Break up however you want throughout the day.

Anyone else who wants to join is welcome, but it is not something I really go out and recruit anyone for. If you just started throwing kettlebells around, I doubt your shoulders or hands are ready for this kind of volume and that can cause issues.

Don’t be afraid to substitute 1-arm swings or ½ snatches if you need to. I know I will include the double ½ snatch and the ½ snatch from time to time just to keep up on those particular exercises.

Drop me a line if you decide to jump in, and have fun. Happy snatching.


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